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Showing posts from September, 2010

Blogs & political campaigns, what do bloggers want?

Last week I took part at the 6th International Political Marketing Conference, you can read the full abstract of my presentation: Blogger Outreach strategies and New Media Engagement . It was great to talk with fellow political marketers, and academics, and learn a lot from interesting presentations on the topics of political science and marketing. I presented on how political campaigns need to engage with bloggers in creating and running blogger outreach programs to communicate with influential people online. As people in new media understand, the argument of Blogger Vs Journalist was raised. My take is that Bloggers should not be treated as main stream media journalists or reporters. Political campaigns need to target them with new media tools and technologies that have proven to be effective in creating personal links, and valuable in gaining trust from online communities. The campaign should be able to provide bloggers with relevant insightful and bundled information, in order ...

Mid-term elections - GOP Vs DNC chairs and online updates

The upcoming election campaigns in the States, are probably going into full mode next week, and the Republicans have launched their new campaign bus along with A cool move by the GOP in energizing grassroots campaigners in every bus stop. So where is the bus now? well have a look: Also watch RNC Chairman, Michael Steele talking about the bus tour... you know it's ON! What are the democrats up to? well, they have launched a new  website and re-branded with the new "D" logo. I find the new website much more clean than the old one, but maybe thats because they kept a lot of white space. Anyhow, you can learn more about the new democratic branding changes reading "Democrats, the Brand" Let me also comment on the vast number of email coming from " Organizing for America ", I definetly receive around one per day, maybe more. In the latest one today, the Obama campaign is offering "canvas...

how to interview a politician - Robert Gibbs On Fox

I know... I have not posted anything for a while know, but here I go again. I was really impressed by this recent interview of Robert Gibbs on Fox News. My comment on the liberal viewer facebook page was: she was actually right... anyway, gibbs fouled on asking a question to the presenter, he should have expected that answer, he was obviously intimidated. And Yes, she was aggressive, but what else would you expect? soft ball responses? I have to say that I enjoyed the exchange.