I am going to come back again and write about the outrageous emails send by the DNC. The latest one is signed by VP Joe Biden and informs people that this is a crucial week for Sonia Sotomayor and asks to support Sotomayor and take action; Oh! and Please donate! It is incredible that "Organizing for America" asks US citizens to give money to support a Judge campaign for the US Supreme Court. Why would any candidate for Supreme Court need money for their campaign? and how come the DNC is fundraising through the Internet on behalf of Sotomayor? In these times of economic hardship, and with the financial crisis still in the forefront of political discussion, the DNC is asking people for private donations to support a judicial campaign.
I also came across the following video "Nothing" by the GOP that explains how The Obama administration is devoting $18 million dollars to create a government website to show Americans just where their hard-earned tax dollars are being spent.
Should we expect another email by the Obama Administration asking people to donate for the new website? Or better yet, will the new website have a DONATE button? It can read: Stimulate the Economy, Every little Helps
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