We have a choice as a nation. We can return to the failed economic policies of the past, or we can keep building a stronger future. We can go backward, or we can keep moving forward. I want to move forward, and I think America wants to as well.
These remarks were made during a speech at Carnegie Mellon University concerning the Economy, on June 02, 2010.
It is astonishing that a forward looking politician like Obama, will end up using a cliché pseudo-dilemma as a campaign message. I suppose that with the 2010 mid-term elections coming up, partisan politics will start to re-appear in political speeches. In a recent article on Politico "Obama must match rhetoric, reality" Danielle Pletka, who served on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and is vice president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute, argues that:
It doesn’t matter what the president and his staff say they’re going to do. What matters is what they do. And don’t do.
Phrases such as "We can go backward, or we can keep moving forward" are vague and chaotic; it reminded me of another quote: "Nothing ever changes by staying the same, quite literally" by David Brent from "The Office"...
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