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Showing posts from January, 2010

Τα Ελληνικά Μπλόκς (Blogs)

Tα λεγόμενα Ελληνικά Μπλόκς (Blogs), είναι μία ιδιαίτερη περίπτωση. Μερικοί νομίζουν πως δημιούργησαν μέσα μαζικής ενημέρωσης και είναι πλέον και αυτοί δημοσιογράφοι, παρουσιαστές, εκδότες ...διαπλεκόμενοι της διαδικτυακής πληροφόρησης. Ενώ το Internet έχει βρει την θέση του στην Ελληνική ενημέρωση και επικοινωνία, αρκετός κόσμος δεν έχει καταλάβει ακόμη πως ο ίδιος έχει την δυνατότητα να προβάλει τις σκέψεις του, και τη γνώμη του χωρίς διαμεσολαβητές. Ακούς λοιπόν την ερώτηση... “Τι λένε τα Μπλόκς; (Blogs)” λες και πρόκειται για 5-10 εφημερίδες που έχουν μία συγκεκριμένη πολιτική γραμμή. Πολλοί νομίζουν πως τα Μπλόκς (Blogs) είναι και αυτά μία εφημερίδα ή ένας τηλεοπτικός/ ραδιοφωνικός σταθμός. Δεν είναι έτσι. Υπάρχουν, και δημιουργούνται, χιλιάδες Μπλόκς (Blogs) όπου ο καθένας έχει την ελευθερία και την ευκολία να εκθέσει και να παραθέσει τις γνώμες του, χωρίς να χρειάζεται να διαμεσολαβεί κανένας δημοσιογράφος ή ΜΜΕ. Είναι τόσο απλό. Και οι νέες γενιές χρηστών Inte...

New Bush Institute and Ideas in Action

The Bush Institute, the policy research arm of the George W. Bush Presidential Center, has launched a new website . The Institute transforms ideas into action and produces results that can be tested, proven, and deployed in the real world. Along with the launch of the new website, there is a new show that will broadcast on PBS and on the Internet called " Ideas in Action " which premieres February 4. The show is hosted by Jim Glassman, executive director of the Bush Institute and former Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs. Each edition of the new series, hosted by veteran journalist, scholar and diplomat Jim Glassman, will present a discussion of trends, conditions, and ideas at the heart of the important issues of the day. Viewers engage with a diverse group of economists, historians, anthropologists, political scientists, demographers, and social philosophers, as well as authorities from many other disciplines. Just another great example of...

David Plouffe talks about an ongoing campaign

In a recent event at the  Progressive Book Club ,  David Plouffe explains that campaigns matter. It is very interesting to hear that "voter anger" is such a powerful thing to tap into when running a political campaign.  I beleive that this will be a crucial theme with  Tea Parties  gaining more and more momentum and the upcoming Mid-Term election at the end of 2010. It is always good to hear a senior Barack Obama advisor talking politics, and giving insights into the political arguments that the Democrats will use, if healthcare legislation is passed... David Plouffe's new book: The Audacity to Win , is a must read for any person interested in political communications and campaign politics. Watch the Q&A discussion hosted by the GWU Graduate School of Political Management.

The Presidential Medal... Scott Brown

The Presidential Citizens Medal recognizes Americans who have performed exemplary for their country or their fellow citizens. This year President Obama is inviting citizens to nominate candidates. The White House website asks: who has inspired you? Who's selfless dedication to service has touched your life or the lives of others? See the Full Criteria for Nomination . Watch the video message After the recent Senate election, Scott Brown  can deserve a Republican citizen medal as the new Republican Senator from Massachusetts! He has managed to shock the Democrats and succeed Senator Kennedy, in a seat held by a Democrat since 1952. It is truly remarkable that he won on the day Pres Obama was sworn in a year ago. Scott Brown won the election on the issue of healthcare. As he writes : I believe that all Americans deserve health care coverage, but I am opposed to the health care legislation that is under consideration in Congress and will vote against it. It might have been a sing...

Help Haiti, politics and media

The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund is a great initiative by the 2 former U.S. Presidents, to come together and help the people of Haiti. Until now the Fund has received more than 90,000 contributions for relief and recovery efforts. There is also information on survivors, other ways to help and information about the Earthquake and Relief efforts. You can also connect on facebook and twitter . Good to see George W. Bush on the scene again! I am sure that both Presidents with this new fund, but also through the Clinton Foundation and the George W. Bush Center , will lead in helping raise money for the people of Haiti. Watch the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund PSA While I was reading about the catastrophic news about Haiti on twitter , I saw an update from a friend of mine saying that American Airlines is flying doctors and nurses to Haiti for free. At first I was really amazed that an airline will follow up on this catastrophe so quickly, but when I did search for this issue, it t...

Pledge to repeal ObamaCare online

I always like to point out simple web tools that make the difference in spreading the message and organising a campaign. Repeal It! is a new website from ClubForGrowth that asks people to pledge as lawmakers, candidates and citizens, to repeal government-run health care or... ObamaCare. There is also a new facebook page (CFG already has a fb group) and a TwitterRoom relaying @ repealit tweets. It's simple, if the message is clear, and people pledge their support, this campaign will be successful; According to a recent study by PEW Obama has lost majority support with only 38% approval on healthcare policy issues. The survey finds that with the health care debate at a crucial stage, more people continue to generally oppose (48%) than generally favor (39%) the health care bills before Congress. What I also found very smart are the actual pledges , straightforward and useful information, without having to read through pages and pages of material and other unnecessary informat...

Sarah Palin, a republican on fox news

Sarah Palin has come a long way in U.S. politics, from being mayor of a small city in Alaska to becoming Governor and then VP candidate for the Republicans in the 2008 election. Since resigning her post as Governor, Sarah Palin published her book " Going Rogue: An American Life " and has been very active in her media exposure. She is now part of the Fox News channel as a contributor . As is another former Republican Presidential candidate, Mike Huckabee . It seems that Fox News is gathering the Republicans on TV, have a look at the ongoing twitter debate . Having searched a bit more on her Internet presence; it is really unique,  she uses her facebook page as the primary information outlet, along with her twitter account . The SarahPAC website is a very simple donate site, without any news or any other links to... nothing really. Sarah Palin is utilising her facebook supporters, having raised a huge fan base during the 2008 campaign. When she writes a commentary note on h...