I always like to point out simple web tools that make the difference in spreading the message and organising a campaign. Repeal It! is a new website from ClubForGrowth that asks people to pledge as lawmakers, candidates and citizens, to repeal government-run health care or... ObamaCare. There is also a new facebook page (CFG already has a fb group) and a TwitterRoom relaying @repealit tweets.
It's simple, if the message is clear, and people pledge their support, this campaign will be successful; According to a recent study by PEW Obama has lost majority support with only 38% approval on healthcare policy issues.
The survey finds that with the health care debate at a crucial stage, more people continue to generally oppose (48%) than generally favor (39%) the health care bills before Congress.
What I also found very smart are the actual pledges, straightforward and useful information, without having to read through pages and pages of material and other unnecessary information. Simple webpages with single issue campaigns are a great way to raise awareness and rally people with different political views. CFG has created an online contingency pledge in case this healthcare bill becomes law.
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