The above photo is one from a series of photos posted recently by the official White House twitter account on Twitpic. As you can see, it is a shaky picture, with the finger of the White House new media staffer showing on the left part of the photo. There are some really interesting comments below the photos:
is this the best picture our tax money can buy?
The staff of the most powerful man in the world should really get a decent camera.
its awesome some1s doin this who cares if its from a cell phone? keep doin what ur doin we love the pics!!
I cant believe it! The @whithouse is tweeting photos! Great! Greetings from Germany
Kidding aside, I do believe that whoever is responsible for the whitehouse twitter account needs to be more careful in uploading proper quality photos, and photos that do not show the fingers of the person taking them. Really amateur multimedia uploads from the White House media team; something that can be excused in a low budget election campaign, but not from the official twitter account of the Presidency.
On a different twitter strategy the GOP twitter account has started to engage in twitter with the President and the Press Secretary, sending @replies, and asking questions. A great strategy with the GOP really engaging and using twitter to ask the government! Until now neither the President, or the Press Secretary have replied to the GOP tweets, showing that their accounts are mostly used to broadcast their news and not engage with people, or answer to official GOP tweets.
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