First of all, I want you to look at the print-screen below. It's when Gaddafi delivered his first speech after the clashes started in Libya. At the same time, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, made a statement and the BBC carried the two pictures side by side. Can you see the differences?
Clearly there is a stark difference! the man on the left is wearing a suit and making a point; while the man on the right is wearing a brown robe with a turban; plus he is reading a green book.
Now, to any person that has watched cartoons is fairly simple to decide who he/she is going to trust. You can clearly identify the bad person in the picture. But is it really so simple? Obviously not.
In the video below you can watch Gaddafi in a recent interview with the BBC. Watch how he smirks when the interpreter finishes his question.
A BBC report on the ground finds people that support Gaddafi and are loyal to the regime.
Gaddafi is known for his outlandish statements and choice of garments.
If you account his latest appearances, it is clearly that he targets his messages to the Libyan people. They know him for the past 41 years, and are familiar with the way he portraits himself and his beliefs.
To all of us this seems really weird coming from a political leader. But I am certain that to the Libyan people it makes perfect sense! Whether they agree or oppose him. Gaddafi is a very colorful leader that looks really weird in western standards. But for the people in the Middle - East this is the norm. It's the norm for the past 41 years now.
In the video below you can see how Beyonce received a $2m check to perform in one of Gaddafi's sons party. If you think about it this is how the world handled Gaddafi for the past years.
As a commentator in the video states:
"Someone fell asleep at the wheel, or the money was so overwhelming, that they said: screw our public image, we just want to get the cash"
Gaddafi is still in Libya. My guess is that he will not be driven out. I hope that there will not be any more casualties and peace between the Libyan people will come soon.
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