So, Tim Pawlenty tweeted before the President's facebook townhall:
Have a tough question for @BarackObama's Facebook townhall today, submit questions that are unlikely to be answered here
When I saw this I thought that it would link to the facebook live page so that people would actually ask the President all the "questions that are unlikely to be answered" but no... it linked to a page at the T-Paw website with a condescending photo of Obama asking people to:
"Use the form below to let us know what questions need to be addressed but won't be asked at tomorrow's campaign event."
This is so wrong in terms of new media communications in Politics!
If T-Paw actually directed people to the facebook live page it could have been a really great tactical move to actually get his followers to ask the questions that "need to be addressed" at the actual event that they could have been addressed!
It could have been a really smart move by T-Paw to act open and transparent, ask followers to watch Obama and flood the facebook live wall with republican messages and questions that "need to be addressed".
Not to mention what the official could have done...
Harnessing online technologies to engage with people can provide many opportunities for actual communication points; but the candidates need to do one thing first: Actually harness the opportunities and ask supporters to help! That's it!
Anyhow, I expect to see more smart and creative online campaign tactics; hopefully the 2012 campaigns will use more creative thinking in the coming months.
Now, on the President's presence at facebook HQs: I would say that it was a great event, really good organized, however, I expected more questions from facebook users rather than questions from facebook employees.
You can watch the President's facebook townhall here:
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