Having watched Anthony Weiner admitting sending out an explicit, private, photo to one of his twitter followers I was really amazed that he didn't conclude with resigning from his seat.
But what can we learn from the social media strategy of Anthony Weiner? Well, first of all don't send out private, or explicit, photos to your twitter followers/ facebook supporters a.k.a. your constituents/voters...
But kidding aside, if Anthony Weiner didn't send out photos, or had intimate cyber relations with women online, his social media strategy would be excellent!
A politician that uses Social Media on his own, without having a staffer doing all the work, and actually connecting with followers and supporters actively, is a great example of Political Social Media communications.
Social Media engagement should be done by the politician, without any other people interfering. In Anthony Weiner's case, it just got too personal, and then it really went wrong.
Here you can watch Fox News Sean Hannity's interview with Meagan Broussard, recipient of Anthony Weiner's photos.
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