First of all I want to say that I don't believe in websites that debunk Internet rumor. As I said in a previous post Debunking smears on the Internet : "When you make it an issue, it becomes an issue" is a new website that seeks to put the record strait (according to the Obama campaign). The Obama campaign also keeps a website actually created for the 2008 campaign! The website is still online, along the new . Both of them! Comes to prove that websites that re-produce smears and rumors, do just that: re-produce smears and rumors. is a 2008 Obama campaign tool, that still keeps the 2008 smears online! The Republicans instead of "Getting the record strait" they just serve "the facts" not the rumors; with the The difference is that they do not re-produce the smears. The website offers bullet point "facts" that target on...
"Internet technology is laying the bedrock for engaged citizen participation"