YouTube videos from the ‘08 presidential candidates can be distinguished in 5 categories:
1. Uploads of TV ads
2. Candidate appearances on TV shows
3. YouTube exclusive messages and videos
4. Viral videos of the candidates and their supporters
5. Political Infomercials
Some latest Hillary videos have a distinct characteristic, they look like infomercials!
I believe it is a rather sad outcome of lost creativity.
The web gives the opportunity to create great looking viral videos with hand held cameras, while exploring editing opportunities previously not used in political campaigns. The Hillary Clinton campaign has created a series of videos of people talking about “The Hillary I know”. I don’t want to judge the messages presented, but I must say that they look made up, given the studio like production quality. YouTube gives the opportunity to candidates to look real; Hillary Clinton is trying to rebrand herself with old style infomercials.
Video utilisation in political campaigning is crucial. Better YouTube utilisation is crucial. Best examples of webTV are not only popular, they carry important messages.
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