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Showing posts from October, 2008

Lessons Learned from the 2004 U.S. Presidential Elections

Browsing through my Mac, I came across a report I had written about the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election. I must say it was a good read. I want to share my 2004 views and some abstracts of this report with you. (7 days to go) Lessons Learned from the 2004 U.S. Presidential Elections A brief review of Internet Political Communications E-democracy E-campaigning Politics and the Internet The U.S. Presidential elections were held on November 2nd 2004; the two major political campaigns of the President, George W. Bush, and Senator John Kerry, started in early January of 2004, when the battle for the Democratic nomination was being fought. An interesting fact to mention is that the online re-election campaign of launched on the 19th of August 2003. Politics and Internet Communications Everything started with Howard Dean’s campaign. Of course, political WebPages existed before, but Dean’s move to involve people, gather a huge email list, create Blogs, and empower voters t

Quoted in Google

I came across one of the new websites from Google labs, "In Quotes" . Although the site can become a huge quote bank, it has started by compering quotes from politicians in the U.S. UK, Canada and India. The spin feature (pun intended) selects random quotes from the candidates on a specific issue. Issues, so far, range from abortion to the war in Iraq and from human rights to nuclear proliferation. The sites offers people raw information, and frames news and opinion subjects, in specific 3 or 4 line answers. In doing so, visitors can compare and contrast, while reading quotes from statements made in news sites, press conferences, TV interviews, speeches and the Internet. Now YouTube includes speech recognition in searches for spoken content . A good move from Google (one of the few companies that didn't felt the credit crunch) P.S. 10 days to Election day.

I mean, come on...

Now Ralph Nader wants to share his mother's Apple Cake recipe... Seriously, he is in need of some sound campaigning advice, and not from his mother... Read the Email... October 20, 2008 It's that time of year again. Apple harvest time. I love apples. As a child, to help with the harvest in orchards, I picked lots of apples. And in New England, where I grew up, there were so many great varieties. Baldwin, Cortland, Golden Russet, Honey Crisp, Macintosh, Red Delicious, Rome, Shamrock. Honey Crisp was -- and still is -- my favorite. During apple harvest time, my mom would make a spectacular apple cake. It had lemons, and apples and cinnamon and butter. It remains to this day my favorite cake. And it got me to thinking -- with only two weeks left

The Final Debate (with Twitter)

Great Debate! I really enjoyed John McCain, he was really hitting all the points, his best performance yet. Barack Obama reiterated his talking points (which are really good) and the polls decided that he was the winner.  But the best part... the twitter election page ! It was awesome! the discussion was dynamic, and you really get a sense of the debate as it happens. You share your commentary with other people, you see attack twits, love twits, action commentary ... is a great experience, well better than the jiggly lines on CNN.  I really enjoyed the "Joe the Plumper" commentary... Check out my Twitter Posts during the debate: Final Thought: McCain differentiated, Joe the Plumper can play a big role, Obama needs to get more offensive. about 8 hours ago from Election 2008 My friends: McCain won the debate. about 8 hours ago from Election 2008 Obama: Change - McCain: Reform about 8 hours ago from Election 2008 Obama: stay into frame! about 8 hours ago from Election

Fundraising Through the Internet and HUMMUS

I haven't commented on the Nader campaign so far, well, I didn't see anything interesting... but wait... Ralf Nader will share his mother Hummus recipe if you contribute any amount of money but it has to have at least one three in it. So what the Nader/Gonzalez campaign is saying is: contribute to the campaign, we will email you Nader's mom hummus recipe, and then please vote for us on election day. It is a rather interesting way to entice voters to donate to your campaign, but I must say, when I first saw it, I found it really funny. Would be very interesting to see how much money will be donated because of the Hummus... Ralph's Mom will be proud!

Election 2008 (powered by Twitter) The live opinion ticker

Hey Everybody, Maybe it was the Debates, maybe it was the huge amount of podcasts I had to listen to; or maybe it was me changing jobs that I didn't update my Blog… come to think of it I’m hooked on Bill O’Reilly’s “talking points memo” podcasts... So, now I know what I’m going to be doing during the 3rd and final debate: watch it and be logged on the Twitter election page . Its really sweet! This tool is great, an ongoing live opinion ticker. More importantly, the twitter election page gives politicians one very important information: direct FEEDBACK from active citizens. People who are active through social media and are in a position to be vital political advocates. So be there on October 15, 2008 !!!