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Showing posts from January, 2011

Dare to compare: CNN Vs The White House Communications

I have been paying close attention to the communications & multimedia campaign from the White House and I really enjoy the West Wing Week , a video diary that is produced by the White House communications staff. The series aims to be " your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. " You can watch the latest episode of West Wing Week (1/21/11 or "A Rather Large Painting") here: Browsing YouTube, I came across the CNN White House week in review. Which is basically the exact same weekly diary, but produced by professional journalists. You can watch the CNN piece here: I believe that the White House production is far more better, covers more issues, has access to the President that mainstream media journalists do not, and offers a view that was not previously offered from mainstream media. The White House West Wing Week came out yesterday, the 20th of January, and the CNN White House week in review, came out today, the 21st of Januar

Promises Kept - Will you donate today?

Joe, (VP Joe Biden) emailed Organising for America supporters yesterday, regarding the " Promises Kept Report ". As he states in the email:  Friend -- Telling the story of the past two years will be critical to the fights ahead. And it's not just the story of this president or this White House -- it's your story. And it is literally proof that the organizing you do on the ground -- the conversations you have with your friends and neighbors -- is working. I understand that emailing OFA supporters with the outcomes of the first 2 years in office is a strait-forward move. Nothing new here, and probably, something that is expected from OFA, which is on a campaign mode all the time.  I want to focus on the donation aspect of OFA. When you visit the "Promises Kept Report" website , you can download a pdf of the document, or you can donate $10 dollars or more, to receive 5 print copies. In the donate page it states that: Your donation will cover the c

Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck | "If you make it an issue, it becomes an issue"

Sarah Palin released a video today on Vimeo (First time she utilized this video service) in response to the shootings in Tucson AZ. According to (a site managed by Glenn Beck ) Sarah Palin has officially broken her silence and indirectly responded to criticism that she is somehow connected to the shootings in Tucson. According to CNN , the shooter, Jared Lee Loughner has been anecdotally regarded as very troubled and perhaps mentally unbalanced because of his ramblings spotted on the internet and the way he has been described by acquaintances. There have also been widespread rumours that Loughners' actions mirrored the Tea Party or the rise of right-wing activists in America. Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin were named by some as the moral perpetrators to these despicable acts. Glenn Beck, from his TV and Radio shows, has defended himself, the Tea Party and Sarah Palin, he also wrote a letter to Sarah Palin, to whitch she replied. Although they both need to go on t