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Showing posts from August, 2012

flickr political communications | Obama Vs Romney

Having read through a lot of information on how the Obama and Romney campaigns are utilising the Internet and Social Media, I wanted to focus on their political photography campaigns. After looking at their respective flickr accounts ( Barack Obama - Mitt Romney ), I was really amazed with the Romney campaign... in not using flickr properly. Dinner with Barack and Michelle—August 20th, 2012, Dinner at Mintwood Place in Washington DC, Photograph by Scout Tufankjian for Obama for America It is really weird that the Romney campaign does not use flickr as they should in order to attract more views, spread the campaign photos across the web, and drive traffic back to The Romney campaign does not title their photos, nor do they provide a description to each photo. So each photo is " Untitled" and the campaign does not even give credit to the respective photographers. Moreover, none of the photos are even taged with keywords, and also the Romney campaign

Mitt Romney's VP gets "Performance Improvements"

I found this update of " Mitt's VP App " on the iPhone. I must say that it made me laugh! A few days before the VP announcement,  Mitt Romney gives his  VP nominee "Performance Improvements".  The Mitt's VP App states: There's no telling when Mitt will choose his VP. But when he does, be the first to find out with Mitt's VP app. Share with friends and earn exclusive campaign gear. Reading  Picking Through the Romney VP Chatter , I wondered whether there might be a clue in this recent App Update... In any case, the update on the App only contains bug fixes and enhancements or  "Performance Improvements" . If you read more into this, you're probably hooked on election news.